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What Changes in the 烹饪 Industry Mean for you

By Remington College Posted June 12, 2022

PG电子平台PG电子游戏对烹饪行业非常熟悉. We work with aspiring cooks 和 food service managers with our 烹饪 Skills Essentials; 烹饪管理; 和 Restaurant, 热情好客, 和 Retail Management 项目.

但是PG电子游戏也喜欢吃! PG电子游戏的许多工作人员和教师喜欢去各种各样的餐馆,尝试从玉米饼到菲力牛排的所有东西. 大流行期间, restaurants faced unique challenges to operations, supply chain 和 staffing, 和很多消费者一样, PG电子游戏注意到.

而那些希望进入烹饪行业的人可能会面临这些趋势和更多, PG电子游戏想整理一份清单,说明行业的一些变化将如何影响普通消费者. 阅读下面的更多内容.

Expect to see more loyalty 项目
When COVID-19 hit, many things changed for restaurants. 的y had to figure out how to serve customers safely, 和 the take-out market was quickly crowded. Restaurants also suddenly lacked the face-to-face connection they took for granted in the past.

一个解决方案? 的 resurgence of loyalty 项目, which gave restaurants a direct line to their best customers. 而且它们似乎很有效. 根据 近年杂志,一项来自 Bluedot 69%的受访者表示,忠诚度平台让他们再次光顾餐厅.

Because they are driving results for restaurants, consumers can expect to see these 项目 continue 和 grow. Especially effective are 项目 that allow consumers to bank points 和 “spend” them on items of their choice, 但各地的美食家都可以期待继续看到个性化客户体验的项目.

Healthier options will appear on more menus
Active lifestyles 和 a focus on wellness were already 大趋势 in 2019. 随着全球大流行的爆发,这一趋势似乎即将到来 保持. 毫不奇怪,快餐店通常被认为是 不太健康 options than their sit-down restaurant counterparts. 但鉴于消费者中健康运动的蓬勃发展, these restaurants are doing what they can to keep up.

消费者可以期待看到对新鲜和高质量食材的重视, as well as nutrient-driven items. 一些品牌甚至在宣传某些成分对健康的影响. 最后, customers can expect convenience, 但也有更多的选择和控制他们吃什么.

技术 和 contactless ordering are here to 保持
COVID-19大流行迫使餐馆在几个月内投资多年的技术改进. One example of this is the increase seen in self-ordering kiosks. 自助订购亭是一种连接到销售点系统的技术,允许客户自己下订单并处理自己的付款, while information is sent directly to the kitchen.

的好处? 消费者可以得到 更快的服务 with fewer face-to-face touch points 和 better order accuracy. 餐馆也看到了减少员工工作时间的好处 increase in average check values from highlighted upgrade 和 promotion options. 从双赢的角度来看,顾客可以期待在餐馆看到这种和其他技术升级.

随着餐厅的变化和发展,消费者的体验也在变化. 业内人士需要倾听并回应消费者的需求, 同时不断创新,不断创造独特便捷的体验.
